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Edward Steichen 1879-1973
In 1929, the book Steichen the Photographer was published. Limited to 925 copies, numbered and signed by Steichen and Carl Sandburg, the author (and Steichen's brother-in-law), the book paid tribute to this noted photographer. It included some 50 of Steichen's best photographic work, reproduced in the Knudsen Process. Now, while I do not profess to comprehend this printing process, is was apparently the result of a revolutionary innovation in the dot-etching for photolithography. And while it is a halftone printing process (you can see the halftone "dots" in the images under high magnifcation), it is such a fine and accurate process that it borders on gravure reproduction. In fact, when the book itself is advertised for sale, even the most knowledgeable book dealers refer to the images as "gravures." The bottom line? Steichen images reproduced in this magnificent volume may be the closest thing (in quality) to an actual Steichen photograph that you may ever be able to acquire.
Many years ago, I purchased the printer's over-runs of images from this volume. These had been in Steichen's personal possession, and were excess plates that were printed in case others were in some way defective when it came time to assemble and bind the books. These over-runs were severely limited in quantity; I have a few remaining after having sold them sporadically to a number of private collectors, as well as to institutions such as the International Museum of Photography and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Some plates that appeared in the book, I do not have at all.
The key to accepting that these are NOT plates that have been cut from the book itself is the fact that the margins on the plates I am offering are wider than those of the plates in the finished book. These plates were never trimmed to size for inclusion in the book. In fact, I received them as they were originally printed, "ganged" four different images on a large sheet.
This is a rare opportunity to acquire a superb, almost unique, image from one of the 20th century's greatest photographers. Each image has a unique story behind it, and was originally selected for publication by Steichen and Sandburg because of what it represented in Steichen's photographic life.
Prices do not include shipping; domestic US insured first class shipping would be between $5-$10, depending on valuation. Matting and framing for effective display is your responsibility. If for any reason you are disappointed with your purchase, it may be returned for a full refund.

"J. Pierpont Morgan". (1903) A classic image of the early 20th century industrialist; image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Morgan rejected the original portrait, tearing it up and insulting Steichen. Only when it became well-known through exhibition did Morgan attempt to purchase it, and was then put off by Steichen for three years. Price: $95.00

"Laughing Boxes". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". A view of a tenement wall on West 86th Street in New York City, taken from Steichen's apartment window in 1922. Price: $45.00

"Cheruit Gown--1927 Fashion Photograph". An image taken by Steichen during his engagement as a photographer for Vogue magazine; image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". The model for this photograph was Marion Morehouse, wife of the poet e.e. cummings. Of her, Steichen commented that she was "no more interested in fashion as fashion as I was. But when she put on clothes that were to be photographed, she transformed herself into a woman who could really wear that gown or that riding habit or whatever the outfit was." Price: $75.00
"Russian Pupils of Isadora Duncan". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Taken in 1921. Price: $75.00
"Grasshopper". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". "I followed that grasshopper around all last Sunday" he told Sandburg. Price: $60.00
"Steichen with Photographic Paraphernalia" . A self-study done for Vanity Fair magazine in 1929. Image size is 6x9-1/2". Price: $150.00
"Improvisation--"Front Page". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Taken in 1928 for Vanity Fair magazine, this image features Osgood Perkins and Lee Tracy. It appeared in the magazine in September, 1928. Price: $65.00
"Lillian Gish". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Price: $95.00
"A Bee on a Sunflower". c. 1920. Part of a series begun in 1920, and titled "From Seed to Seed". In attempting to understand nature's discipline, Steichen made a study of the ratio of plant growth and structure. Impressed by the appearance of the spiral in nature, he found it in the seed pods of the sunflower, and photographed the plant extensively. Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Price: $45.00
"Tennis -- Photograph to illustrate advertisement for Jergen's Lotion". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Price: $45.00
"Improvisation -- "Strange Interlude" . Taken in 1928, this image is a photo montage with Lynn Fontanne. Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Price: $50.00
"Fred Astaire -- Top Hat in "Funny Face""(1927). Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Price: $95.00
"Father and Son at Breakfast -- Photograph to Illustrate advertisement of Fleishmann's Yeast for Bread". Image size is 9-1/2x7-1/2". Price: $45.00
"Double Sunflower". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Part of a series begun in 1920, and titled "From Seed to Seed". In attempting to understand nature's discipline, Steichen made a study of the ratio of plant growth and structure. Impressed by the appearance of the spiral in nature, he found it in the seed pods of the sunflower, and photographed the plant extensively. Price: $45.00
"Gertrude Lawrence". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Price: $95.00
"Bedroom of Mrs. Morgan Belmont -- Photograph to illustrate an advertisement of Simmons Beds, Springs and Mattresses". Image size is 9-1/2x7-1/2". Price: $45.00
"Matches and Match Boxes -- A design for Stehli Silks" (1926). Sandburg would say that images such as this show that light "is met with, controlled, and guided into magical and pleasing behavior." Controlling the light can change their appearance from radiant and singing to serne and composed. Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Price: $50.00
"Mr. and Mrs. -- The Sandburgs" . Image size is 7-1/2x7-1/4". Steichen first met Carl Sandburg in 1907; the poet's marriage to Steichen's sister took place shortly thereafter, and the two men developed a strong brotherly relationship. This image was taken in Elmhurst, Illinois, in 1923. The title of Sandburg's book on Steichen would be used years later when the Museum of Modern Art gave Steichen a retrospective in 1961. Price: $125.00
"Wheelbarrow with Flower Pots" (1920). Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Of this image, Sandburg said it suggests "an infinity of terra cotta tubes in mute, inglorious transit... one feels Steichen's long thought and brooding over the fixity of species of life forms." Sandburg also notes that this was an image that Steichen favored. Price: $75.00
"Harmonica Riddle" (c. 1921). Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Price: $50.00
"Peeling Potatoes -- Photograph to illustrate an advertisement of Jergen's Lotion" (1923). Image size is 9-1/2x7-1/2". The hands in the image belong to Mrs. Stanley Resor, wife of the then president of J.Walter Thompson advertising agency, for whom Steichen worked at the time. Price: $45.00
"Vionnet Gown - 1925 Fashion photograph". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Price: $50.00
"Improvisation -- "What Price Glory?". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Steichen recalled later that this was not an actual scene from the play; but that finding out the three "corporals" had actually been in World War I, they enacted a real-life scene they had all remembered. This one has one of the soldiers looking for cooties. Price: $50.00
"Blue Sky". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Taken on Long Island in 1923, Dana Desbros was a young actress who was the subject of Steichen's camera on many occasions. They were married in 1923. Price: $125.00
"Diagram of Doom - 2". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Taken c. 1922, Steichen followed the butterfly all day. Sandburg called the image a masterpiece, and wrote: "Just around the corner something is going to happen. The tall living figures of dark wings crossing an intensely white lighted space of sun is doing the best he can. Just around the corner waits Luck -- with a club or caress." Price: $75.00
"Backbone and Ribs of a Sunflower". Image size is 9-1/2x7-1/2". Part of a series begun in 1920, and titled "From Seed to Seed". In attempting to understand nature's discipline, Steichen made a study of the ratio of plant growth and structure. Impressed by the appearance of the spiral in nature, he found it in the seed pods of the sunflower, and photographed the plant extensively. Price: $50.00
"Evelyn Brent". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". A portrait of this actress taken for Vanity Fair magazine, Sandburg comments that Steichen considered this (and others) as good as his best portraits in the non-commercial field. The image appeared in Vanity Fair in August, 1928. Price: $85.00
"Charles Chaplin". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". This image of comedian Charles Chaplin, with hat and cane, was taken during Steichen's work for Vanity Fair magazine. It is a striking example of Steichen's abilities, and was published in Vanity Fair in October, 1926. Steichen noted this image reflected Chaplin "relaxed and himself, the image of a dancing faun." Price: $125.00
"Isadora Duncan at the Portal of the Parthenon". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Taken with a borrowed Kodak camera in 1921, Steichen recalled that the idea was for Duncan to do her most beautiful single gesture, the slow raising of her arms until they seemed to encompass the sky. Price: $125.00
"Paul Robeson in 'Black Boy'". (1926) Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Price: $95.00
"Sunburn". (1925) Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". Price: $75.00
"Hands". Image size is 7-1/2x9-1/2". A photograph to illustrate an advertisement of Cutex. An unknown model, probably taken during the time Steichen worked for the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency. Price: $65.00