Did You Miss These 3-D Cuties?
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SPORTS ILLUSTRATED SWIMSUIT ISSUE Winter 2000. This classic issue includes a breath-taking 30-page section in 3-D-- swimsuit lovelies, ads, and a superb history of 3-D photography. Also includes red/blue 3-D glasses for viewing. SI never does anything half-way; the 3-D effect is outstanding, and the production is magnificent. This issue deserves to be in the collection of every stereo lover. (Guys, you can justifiably buy it for the pictures!). If you missed this issue when originally published, I have a limited number of copies brand-new, never opened, never read, at $10.00 each + shipping.

WHAT THE BUTLER SAW, a 3-D Saucy Bedroom Romp. Originally published in 1995, this cute little risque 3-D book chronicles the adventurous bedroom life of Miss Cecily Smythe. Eight quality 4-1/2x3-1/2" 3-D images, arranged in book form with a cute/naughty story line. Overall size of book is 7x5-1/2@; opens up for viewing; red/green 3-D glasses are stored in the cover, and can be removed for viewing. Another outstanding cute 3-D viewing item deserving to be in any collection. I have a limited quantity of these, in new, unused condition, at $10.00 each + shipping.
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