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Serving Photo Collectors Since 1969 Link to Craig's Daguerreian Registry (Research on American Photographers 1839-1860) e-mail address: john@craigcamera.com |
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This is a random listing of photographic books, manuals, etc. that fall into one of two categories: either they are (1) really cheap and I don't consider them worth the effort of extensive description and inclusion on my other pages; or (2) they are in less than Excellent condition. Pages may be bent, spines may be worn, covers may be soiled. BUT THEY ARE CHEAP! Major damage will be noted. Descriptions are minimal, because the price doesn't warrant much of my time, but it beats letting them just sit in my warehouse. Please refer to "Bargain Page" when ordering. Prices do NOT include shipping; Sold items deleted daily #92236. CBA Projection Lamp I bought a bunch of these in seemingly new condition, without boxes. Some seem to be a little loose in their ceramic base, but all are unused. I sell the CBA in its original box for $25.00. I am offering you FOUR of these non-boxed bulbs for the same price--$25.00. If one works fine, you're even; if two, three or four work well, you're way ahead. If all four are defective, I'll exchange them or refund your purchase price. $25.00 #92265. Maloney, Tom, ed., US Camera (Annual), 1962 216pp, hc, fully illus. Minor wear, light foxing on end papers, staining on flyleaf; with worn d/j. $10.00 #92426. (Modern Photo Guide) Basic Child Photography, 1982. 120pp, paper covers, fully illus. Almost as new. $5.00 #92256. Busch, David W. Digital Photography, 1995 196pp, paper covers, fully illus. Litle worn. $5.00 #92499. Carothers, Steven, and Gail Roberts, Photogapher's Dialogue, 1989 "Popular and Preferred Imagery in American Photography." Boca Raton: Social Issues and Boca Raton Museum of Art. 144pp, paper covers, 8-1/2x11". Profusely illus. EX. $10.00 #92427. (Modern Photo Guide) Color Photography, 1982. 120pp, paper covers, fully illus. Almost as new. "With Self-Teaching Technique Tips." $5.00 #92270. Davis, William S., Practical Amateur Photography, 1939 New York: 264pp, hc, with d/j. Minute wear to d/j. $5.00 #92512. Fearnley, Bernard, Child Photography, 1972 Focal Press: 132pp, hc, fully illus. Little wear, torn d/j. $5.00 #92524. Hornby, George, ed. Photographing America, 1976 EKCo.: 256pp, hc, oversize, fully illustrated. Beautiful coffee table book. EX, with d/j. $10.00 #92500. Iles, George, Flame, Electricity and the Camera, 1901 "Man's Progress from the First Kindling of Fire to the Wireless Telegraph and the Photography of Color." New York: 396pp, hc, illus. Ex-lib; VG condition. $10.00 #92299. (Time-Life Books), Life Library of Photography Photographer's Handbook, 1970 64pp, fully illus. Few marks on cover. $5.00 #92518. (American Photography), Masterpieces from American Photography, 1950 Volume III, "Masterworks of Photography Library". 82pp (plates), spiral bound, paper covers. Minute wear to cover. $10.00 #92513. Maskell, Henry P., ed., Photography, 1912 Concise Knowledge Library: 438pp, hc, illus. Superb volume for the time; Ex-lib, shaken,and lot of wear, chipping to spine. Wonderful reference for the time. $30.00 #92498. Miller, Thomas H., and Wyatt Brummitt, This is Photography, "Its Means and Ends", 1945 New York: Garden City. 260pp, hc, fully illus. A classic. $5.00 #92521. (Eastman Kodak Co.) Photo Tips & Techniques, 1980 EKCo., Amphoto. 192pp, hc, fully illus. Minuscule wear to cover, else EX. $5.00 #92486. Schneider, Josef Child Photography The Modern Way, 1955 Amphoto: 208pp, hc, fully illus. EX. $5.00 #92501. Walker, Leslie C., The Technique of Painting with Light, 1940 Los Angeles: 160pp, hc, illus. Some foxing of first few and last few pages; else nice reference. $8.00 #92322. Original Instruction Manual: Argus C-44 Camera Worn; lot of corners folded. $5.00 #92293. Original Instruction Manual: Bolex Zoom Reflex Automatic S-1 Camera Cover badly worn, else ok. $6.00 #92439. Original Instruction Manual: Bronica SQ-Ai Camera Body Cover worn, torn at spine; lot of page corners folded. $10.00 #92041. Original Instruction Manual: Canon AT-1 Camera $8.00 #92455. Original Instruction Manual: Canon EOS A-2 Camera Cover shows lot of wear, else ok. $8.00 #92318. Original Instruction Manual Canon FTb Camera Extensive taping on front and back covers, spine. $8.00 #92452. Original Instruction Manual: Canon Pellix-QL Camera EX, except cover separated at spine. $6.00 #92333. Original Instruction Manual: Canon TLb Camera Cover taped, worn, else ok. $6.00 #92433. Original Instruction Manual: Canon Speedlite 300EZ Cover worn, torn. Contents fine. $5.00 #92260. Original Instruction Manual Chinon SLR Camera Two-inch area inside first two pages where they were stuck together; general wear. $10.00 #92283. Feininger, Andreas, Successful Color Photograhy, 1968 4th Printing; 272pp, hc, illus. EX, with d/j. $6.00 #92489. Herwig, Ellis, The Handbook of Color Photography, 1982 "How to See and Photograph Color in All Situations...". Amphoto: 160pp, paper covers, fully illus. EX. $6.00 #92273. Isert, G., The Art of Colour Photography, 1971 Focal Press: 410pp, hc, fully illus. Extensive and detailed look at all aspects of color photography at the time. EX, just somewhat out of date. $8.00 #92267. Nadler, Bob The Color Printing Manual, 1978 New York: approx. 250pp, hc, fully illus. Cover shows minute wear, else EX. $10.00 #92373. Original Instruction Manual: Ihagee EXA Camera Cover originally had extended fold-out; all separated, taped. Else ok. $5.00 #92438. Original Instruction Manual: Fujica AZ-1 Camera Cover worn, torn; back page torn; else ok. $6.00 #92306. Original Instruction Manual: Fuji DL-400 Tele Camera Cover taped, worn, else ok. $5.00 #92474. Original Instruction Manual: Graflex Pacemaker Graphics (Speed, Crown), 1947 Covers badly worn, taped; lot of page corners folded. $6.00 #92289. Original Instruction Manual: Pacemaker Crown/Speed Graphic Cameras, 1955 cover taped, restapled; else o.k. $7.00 #92416. Original Instruction Manual: Graflex Pacemaker Graphics (Crown, Speed), 1948 cover badly worn, soiled; else ok. $10.00 #92341. Original Instruction Manual: Exakta VX1000 Camera Cover torn; else ok. $8.00 #92327. Original Instruction Manual: Kalart (Press) Camera Cover stained; wrinkled pages throughout testify to previous dampness damage. $8.00 #92067. Kodak Magazine: Photo Spotlight, 1934-1942 Lot of ten issues, each approx. 32pp; minor wear to covers, else ok. $15.00 #92404. Original Instruction Manual: Kodak Retina IIIC (Large C) Camera Cover badly worn, taped; contents ok. $6.00 #92454. Original Instruction Manual: Kodak Retina IIIC (Large C) Camera Cover worn, torn; contents fine. $8.00 #92369. Original Instruction Manual: Kodak Retina Reflex III Camera Cover badly scuffed. $5.00 #92368. Original Instruction Manual: Kodak Retina Reflex III Camera Cover worn, taped, loose. $5.00 #92398. Original Instruction Manual: Kodak Retina Reflex S Camera Cover badly worn, edges rough. $6.00 #92394. Original Instruction Manual: Konica Auto-Reflex Camera (Original Model) Litle worn; page corners folded. $10.00 #92352. Original Instruction Manual: Konica AutoReflex A-3 Camera Cover has large piece torn out; else ok. $5.00 #92362. Original Instruction Manual: Konica AutoReflex TC Camera Lot of wear to front cover; pages bent; entire book folded at some point. $5.00 #92464. Original Instruction Manual: Konica C-35 Camera Cover separated at spine; taped. $5.00 #92363. Original Instruction Manual: Konica FC-1 Camera Back cover torn off, else ok. $5.00 #92367. Original Instruction Manual: Konica FS-1 Camera Top edge of cover, and top edge of few pages ragged; slightly torn. $5.00 #92366. Original Instruction Manual: Konica FS-1 Camera Cover bent, worn, else ok. $5.00 #92254. Cooper, Joseph C. Leica Pocket Companion, 1962 Little worn; chipped cover. $5.00 #92311. Emanuel, W.D. Leica Guide, 1972 Focal Press; 136pp, paper, fully illus. Cover, spine worn. 42nd edition. $6.00 #92255. Emanuel, W.D. Leica Guide, 1975 Pocket-size guide; Focal Press. 148pp; cover and spine worn. $5.00 #92310. Matheson, Andrew, Leicaflex Guide, 1968 Focal Press; 128pp, paper, fully illus. Cover, spine worn. $6.00 #92516. Matheson, Andrew, The Leica and Leicaflex Way, 1972 Focal Press: 10th Revised Edition. 540pp, hc, fully illus. Little wear, generally EX; with d/j. $15.00 #92160. Morgan, Willard D., et. al., The Leica Manual, 1936 2nd ed, revised, first printing, December, 1936. 504pp, hc, fully illus. Cover, page edges minutely soiled, else EX. $12.00 #92280. Reprint Catalog: Leica Camera (Equipment), 1931 Hove Camera reprint: 96pp, paper covers, illus. No pricing. Superb reference; cover has slight tear. $8.00 #92415. Original Instruction Manual: Leica IIIC Camera Cover worn, separated at spine; else ok. $10.00 #92414. Original Instruction Manual: Leica IIIC Camera cover badly worn, taped; contents EX. $10.00 #92478. Original Instruction Manual: Leica IIIc Camera Cover badly worn, torn, taped; else ok. $8.00 #92345. Original Instruction Manual: Leica M3, 1955 Front and back covers badly soiled; some page corners folded. $5.00 #92346. Original Instruction Manual: Leica M3, 1957 Cover soiled; book folded once. $5.00 #92453. Original Instruction Manual: Leica M-5 Camera EX, except all pages show wrinkles from moisture damage at some point. $6.00 #92339. Original Instruction Manual: Mamiya MSX-500 Camera Cover marked, taped; contents ok $6.00 #92355. Original Instruction Manual: Minolta Hi-Matic F Camera lot of writing on cover, some on interior pages. $5.00 #92374. Original Instruction Manual: Minolta Maxxum 2xi Camera Extensive "wrinkling" of page edges from old liquid (coffee?) spill; contents ok. $6.00 #92435. Original Instruction Manual: Minolta Maxxum 3xi Camera Cover badly worn, torn. $5.00 #92434. Original Instruction Manual: Minolta Maxxum 7xi Camera Cover worn, torn; lot of pages wrinkled at bottom from moisture damage. $5.00 #92338. Original Instruction Manual: Minolta Maxxum 7000i Camera Cover has lot of margic marker marks; else EX. $8.00 #92365. Original Instruction Manual: Minolta SR-TMC Camera Cover marked and soiled, else ok. $8.00 #92356. Original Instruction Manual: Minolta XG-1(n) Camera Little worn; pen marks on cover. $8.00 #92309. Original Instruction Manual: Miolta Auto Meter II Folded several times; pen marks on cover. $8.00 #92395. Original Instruction Manual: Miox 35EL Fine, except for punched 1/4" hole through entire book near top. $6.00 #92469. Original Instruction Manual: Minox EL Camera Fairly worn, wrinkled. $5.00 #92295. Original Instruction Manual: Minox BL Camera Fine, except for holes punched along bottom edge. $6.00 #92263. The Nikon Image, 1975 "A collection of Contemporary Photographic Art from 17 of Today's Greatest Photographers." 140pp, hc, fully illus. No d/j. EX. $15.00 #92266. Photocopied Service Manual: Nikon F3 Camera, 1980 Fair photocopy; appears to be complete, but I did not look at it page by page. Includes exploded views, parts listings, service information. Copy of the Nikon factory service manual. $10.00 #92421. Original Instruction Manual: Nikon F Photomic Camera, 1965 Cover badly worn, taped. Also taped inside back cover and in center of book. Contents ok. $15.00 #92448. Original Instruction Manual: Nikon F2 Photomic Camera Cover worn, torn; many page corners slightly folded. $8.00 #92320. Original Instruction Manual: Nikon FA Camera Cover worn, lot of underlining inside with pen. $6.00 #92321. Original Instruction Manual: Nikon FA Camera Cover very worn, couple pages loose. $6.00 #92413. Original Instruction Manual: Nikon FE2 Camera Lot of wrinkling on bottom of pages from sme old moisture. Still fully usable. $6.00 #92316. Reprinted Instruction Manual: Nikon FE2 Camera Not our reprint; fair quality, good condition. $5.00 #92286. Original Instruction Manual: Nikon N2000 Camera Cover, back cover worn, else ok. $10.00 #92240. Original Instruction Manual: Nikon SB-7E/SB-8E Speedlights Folded once; back cover torn. $5.00 #92248. Original Instruction Manual: Olympus FTL Camera Cover worn, torn slightly in few places. $8.00 #92436. Original Instruction Manual: Olympus Infinity Super Zoom 2800 Camera Cover loose, worn, torn. Contents fine. $6.00 #92247. Original Instruction Manual: Olympus OM-2 Camera Cover worn, slightly torn at spine. $8.00 #92328. Original Instruction Manual: Olympus OM-10 Camera Lot of wear, particularly on cover. $5.00 #92420. Original Instruction Manual: Olympus OM10-FC Camera Cover badly wrinkled; else ok $6.00 #92217. Original Instruction Manual: Olympus OM77 AF Camera Front, back covers worn; few page corners folded; else ok. $8.00 #92390. Original Instruction Manual: Olympus Pen EE Camera Wrinkled from previous moisture damage; text ok. $5.00 #92354. Original Instruction Manual: Simmon Brothers Automega D-3 Enlarger Front and back covers torn, worn, taped; contents ok. $5.00 #92447. Reprint Instructions: Pentax IQ Zoom Camera An ok photocopy. $5.00 #92376. Original Instruction Manual: Pentax K1000 Camera Penned notes on cover; cover shows wear, folds. $5.00 #92304. Original Instruction Manual: Pentax K-1000 Scruffy and worn, but complete. $5.00 #92220. Original Instruction Manual: Pentax K-1000 Camera Folded; front and back covers worn, torn. Contents ok. $5.00 #92437. Original Instruction Manual: Pentax ME Super Camera Writing on cover; little wear. $8.00 #92424. Original Instruction Manual: Pentax P-3N Camera Cover ragged on edge; general wear. $5.00 #92417. Original Instruction Manual: Pentax SF-10 Camera Cover soiled; several corners bent; book was folded once. Still fully usable. $5.00 #92249. Original Instruction Manual: Pentax Spotmatic IIA Cover worn, torn, taped; some page corners folded. $5.00 #92459. Original Instruction Manual: Pentacon/Praktica Super TL Camera Worn. $6.00 #92425. Original Instruction Manual: Ricoh KR-5 Super Camera Cover worn, marked; contents ok. $6.00 #92419. Original Instruction Manual: Ricoh KR-10 Super Camera Cover worn, loose; else ok $6.00 #92360. Original Instruction Manual: Ricoh RZ-770 Camera Lot of wear to front and back covers, else ok. $5.00 #92458. Original Instruction Manual: Ricoh Shotmaster Zoom Super Camera Cover worn, taped; book restapled. $5.00 #92451. Original Instruction Manual: Ricoh XR-P Camera Cover worn; lot of hi-liting inside by previous owner. $6.00 #92461. Original Instruction Manual: Rolleiflex Rolleicord III Camera Covers worn, torn, taped. $8.00 #92399. Original Instruction Manual: Rollei SL-35-ME Camera cover worn and frayed; contents ok. $8.00 #92400. Original Instruction Manual: Rollei SL-35-ME Camera Back cover torn, worn; contents EX. $8.00 #92291. Original Instruction Manual: Rolleiflex 2.8E Camera, 1957 badly wrinkled from old dampness; still complete and usable. $5.00 #92340. Original Instruction Manual: Rolleiflex 2.8C Camera, 1953 Pages all feel like there was some dampness damage in the past; still reads fine. $10.00 #92357. Original Instruction Manual: Sigma SA-300 Camera Manual was originally issued with English and Japanese; the Japanese section has been removed from this one; also shows wear, pencil notes inside. $5.00 #92334. Original Instruction Manual: Stereo Realist f/3.5 Camera Covers loose, worn, else ok. $6.00 #92245. Original Instruction Manual: Realist Stereo Camera f/3.5 page corners folded; back cover quite worn. $8.00 #92307. Original Instruction Manual: Vivitar 2500 Flash Cover taped, worn, else ok. $5.00 #92292. Original Instruction Manual: Voigtlander VSL-2 Automatic Camera Worn, some pages loose; complete and usable. $8.00 #92242. Original Instruction Manual: Yashica/Contax G1 Camera Cover worn, torn, else fine. $8.00 #92342. Original Instruction Manual: Yashica Electro 35 GSN/GTN Camera Cover worn, some pen marks; else ok. $5.00 #92472. Original Instruction Manual: Yashica FR-I Camera Cover badly worn, torn; else ok. $6.00 #92337. Original Instruction Manual: Yashica Mat 124-G Camera Cover taped, worn; contents ok. $6.00 #92410. Original Instruction Manual: Yashica TL-Electro-X Camera disbound, cover taped; contents complete. $5.00 #92520. Freytag, H. The Contaflex Way, 1957 Focal: 2nd edition. 312pp, hc, illus. Cover shows wear; contents tight. $10.00 #92297. Emanuel, W.D., Contaflex Guide, 1957 92pp, paper, illus. Cover worn, bunch of page corners bent. $10.00 #92528. Infinity Magazine, 1969-1972 American Society of Magazine Photographers. Lot of 24 issues, 1969-1972. Almost every issue contains a portfolio by a noted photographer. Nice assortment, in generally VG+ condition. $50.00 |